Internal Tools
For the past year, we have been re-building our admin in order to enhance the Data Team's current tools, as well as the ability to add new functionality that will increase productivity, efficiency, and avoid errors such as duplicates. In addition to improvements in performance, certain tasks’ ownership can be transferred to the Data Team to decrease turnaround time for internal and external requests, such as re-attributing or incomplete entity data.
Business Relationships.
Business relationships data provides clients with a deeper understanding of a company’s strategic network and helps them determine whether a company is making traction in a specific marketplace. Data Operations is unable to efficiently process records at the same rate that our system ingests records into the Business Relationships queue. This causes a bottleneck in the workflow unless Data Ops allocates a substantial amount of their already limited time.
People Admin
After acquiring data from DJVS, it was essential to develop a way to integrate people's data into the CBI database. We focused the first phase of the integration on ingesting new datasets directly into the database. Then, we had to think about how we can continue to manage and update that data. The primary goal of this project is to create an admin, access to external and internal admin users, that allows users to easily search for and identify person profiles to update, as well as identify missing profiles that need to be created.
Suggested Funding
Extracting funding round data from news articles is one of the most time-consuming tasks for the Data team
Reviewers must constantly cycle between the News Queue, Entity Admin’s Funding tab, and the news publication in order to extract and publish funding events to our platform
Repeating this hundred of times a week can be inefficient and mentally draining since it requires a high degree of mouse and eye-tracking
Programmatically extracting funding round data from news publications minimizes the cognitive load needed to review raw text from news articles, which reduces the amount of time needed to effectively review incoming news
Our solution should enable the reviewer to easily navigate between the News Queue, original news article, and the Entity Admin’s funding tab. We should reduce the amount of time required to publish funding data cited within a news article